The Miracle Farm

Book Design
Art Direction

Christina met my dad on one of his many mission trips to Latin America. Specifically, they met on his trip to El Salvador, where they worked with La Casa de Mi Padre. After my dad passed away in late 2021, Christina approached Ashley and me asking if we would design the book she was writing for La Casa. Knowing it would honor my dad, we immediately said yes.

La Casa de Mi Padre provides a loving family environment for those with no home or family. Many children who come to them suffer deep physical or emotional trauma. La Casa works to heal the children and reconnect them with their original families. The house is on a beautiful land known as the Miracle Farm. Christina wanted to capture the extraordinary story of their humble beginnings and the many stories of life change.

The property itself partly inspires the book's cover. It is a small piece of paradise–covered in lush greenery, flowers, and fruit. We wanted to capture some of these elements in the cover but stylize it in child-like illustrations.